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Dott. Dario Salvo

  • Area Medica
    Servizio di Anestesia e Rianimazione
  • Ruolo
    Responsabile TIPO

Io in Humanitas

Servizio di Anestesia e Rianimazione

Ruolo in Ospedale
Responsabile TIPO

Aree mediche di interesse
Medicina perioperatoria; Manipolazione delle resistenze polmonari; tecniche di monitoraggio invasivo e di supporto della funzione cardiaca, renale, e /o cardio-renale; gestione dei pazienti sottoposti a chirurgia addominale maggiore (epatectomia, duodenocefalopancreasectomia); lobectomia polmonare e pneumectomia; trattamento intensivo di patologie acute di tipo medico.

Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione

Area Medica
Anestesia e Rianimazione

Esperienze precedenti

Ultimo Ruolo e Descrizione Attività

Cardio anestesista presso il Servizio di anestesia e rianimazione

Attività svolta nell’ambito della cardio-anestesia neonatale pediatrica, del trapianto di cuore e dell’ assistenza meccanica mono e bi-ventricolare (ECMO, VAD e BiVAD)

Nome ospedale / Ente
Ospedale Ferrarotto







Penultima Esperienza Lavorativa
Ospedale Ferrarotto


Università degli Studi di Catania

Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione

Università degli Studi di Catania

Data specializzazione

Attività Scientifiche


Descrizione attività
Attività:28-30 April 2003 instructor for Neonatal Resuscitation CME corse for doctor, policlinico hospital “G. MARTINO” Messina Italy12-14th June 2003 Relator for paediatric cardiology with a lecture about post operative management of the children with cardiopaty ; policlinic hospital MESSINA; Taormina.26-28th June 2003 relator for paediatric cardiology with a lecture about intensivist role for pre operative management of the child with cardiopaty; CME course for doctor Taormina.4th December 2003 Director of advanced course CME for doctor on acute respiratory failure, guidelines and management.; Taormina, Italy.28th February 2004 relator for resuscitation of the child with congenital cardiopaty course CME for doctor , ospedale di Locri, Italy .2nd July 2004 relator of course CME with lecture on paediatric trauma operative procedures ; Capomulini (CT), Italy.11th September 2004 relator of the meeting on role of activated protein c in patient with sepsis with lecture on neonatal and paediatric sepsis policlinic hospital, Catania; Italy12-16th October 2004 Chairman of xxxiv national meeting of Italian paediatric cardiology Taormina ; Italy.29/4/2005 relator for “Aprile mese del bambino”, an inter-regional italian videoconference of paediatric anesthesia; with a lecture about sedation in paediatric intensive care, at policlinic Hospital, Catania.13-15th October 2005 relator of 9th National Congress of Paediatric and Neonatal Anaesthesiology Italian Society with lecture on pulsatile ECMO for post cardiotomy low CO; Catania; Italy. 11th November 2005 Chairman of CME course for doctor on Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies in critical patient (Italian society of nephrology); Taormina, Italy. 10-11th June 2006 Chairman of the 3rd national meeting of pediatric cardiac intensive care; Taormina; Italy.Faculty, Authors, Relator and Founding member of Masterclass in Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain in Neonates and Children Catania, 28-29 September 2007Relator of XI National Congress SARNePI ; Napoli 29 novembre -1 dicembre 2007.18-20th September 2008 Chairman of the 6th National Congress of Paediatric Emergency Medicine (SIMEUP); Trieste; Italy 24th September 2008 relator of the 39 th National Congres of paediatric Surgery, with lecture on “paediatric cardiac surgery in Africa, our experience” Catania ItalyFaculty, Authors, Relator and Founding member of Masterclass Perioperative Critical Care Cardiolgy, Catania, Italy 13-15 November 2009Relator of XIII National Congress SARNePI ; Roma 1-3 October 2009 with lecture “Vasoactive Therapy in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery”.Maggio 2010 relator of “Corso di Formazione per Infermieri Professionali”Farmacologia Neonatale”.Relator of 23 rd Annual Meeting A.P.I.C.E. 2010 International Symposium on Critical Care Medicin 05-07 november 2010, Catania (CT), with lecture “Pediatric ECMO”Relator of XIV National Congress SARNePI ; Genova 11-13 November 2010 with lecture “Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia: does it exist?”.Relator of 12° National Congress CARACT Pisa 17-19 November 2010 with lecture “Novità in tema di Terapia Intensiva Pediatrica”. Relator and Chairman of “The Baby On Bypass- The Intensive Management of Children undergoing Open Heart Surgery”” Genova March 31st-1st April 2011 -Centro Internazionale di Studi e Formazione” Germana Gaslini”.Pubblicazioni scientifiche:Impiego clinico dell’althesin nell’ipertermia maligna. (Minerva Anestesiologica 1982). Salvo D; Foti F. Blocco differenziale analgesico nella chirurgia endoscopica urologica (acts of national meeting of SIAARTI). Sorrento 20-23rd October 1988); Salvo D; F CrimiClinical experience with atracurium besilate on oligoanuric patient (Acts of 14th national meeting of the society for surgery research ). Catania 16-18th march 1989 ; Salvo D; F CrimiCVAH to prevent cardiac decompensation in critical patient. (Acts of 2nd ASDA meeting ).Catania 12-14th MAGGIO 1994. Salvo D; G Ferlazzo; Sodium thiopental: old drug for cardiac surgery (Minerva Anestesiologica vol. 2 1998); Salvo D; G. GarofaloAwareness during general anaesthesia for cardiac and vascular surgery (Acts of Department of Perioperative Medicine, Intensive Care and Emergency of the University Hospital of Catania; Italy 1998); Salvo D; G. GarofaloNative aortic coarctation treated with percutaneous. Transluminal angioplasty; (Acts of 28th of national meeting of italian society of pediatric cardiology ) Bergamo 30th September 3rd October 1998) Mignosa C, Agati S, Di Stefano S, Salvo D;Fenestrated arterial switch operation: surgical approach to an unusual transposition of the great arteries complex. (Annals thoracic surgery 2001); Mignosa C, Agati S, Di Stefano S, Salvo D;Ciccarello G.Dysphagia: an unusual presentation of giant aneurysm of the right coronary artery and supravalvular aortic stenosis in Williams syndrome. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2004 DEC;128(6):946-8. Mignosa C, Agati S, Bianca I, Di Stefano S, Salvo D;Ciccarello G.First successful italian clinical experience with Debakey VAD. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2001 AUG;20(8):914-7. Agati S, Mignosa C, Bianca I, Salvo D;Patent ductus arteriosus and left coronary ostium stenosis: an hybrid approach Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, sep 2003; 2: 398 – 399. Carmelo Mignosa, , Salvatore Agati, Bianca I, Dario Salvo, Giuseppe Pittella, Giuseppe Ciccarello,Acute respiratory insufficiency and giant coronary artery aneurysm with fistula Ann Thorac Surg 2004;77:1823-1825 Agati S, Mignosa C, Ciccarello G, Salvo D, Ündar APulsatile ECMO in Pediatric Population. Initial European Clinical Experience 17th Annual Meeting of the Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery;Portorož, Slovenia, 22. – 24. September 2005 Agati S, Mignosa C, Gitto P,, Salvo D; Trimarchi E;Cardiac tamponade: rare presentation of acquired pericardium esophageal fistula. Journal Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2005 Dec;130(6):1711. Agati S; Mignosa C; Gitto P; Trimarchi E; Ciccarello G; Salvo D; Trimarchi G;A method for chest drainage after pediatric cardiac surgery.

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