Ruolo attuale: Direttore U.O. Accreditata di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale – Clinica del Mediterraneo (Ragusa)
Aree mediche di interesse:
Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale; Chirurgia dei tumori Testa-Collo; Chirurgia Ortognatica; Chirurgia delle Malformazioni facciali; Chirurgia orale avanzata; Traumatologia Facciale; Tumori del viso; Ricostruzioni ossee dei mascellari; Rinoplastica; Blefaroplastica; Otoplastica.
Esperienze di lavoro
Ultima esperienza lavorativa
Dal 2012 al 2021
Casa di Cura convenzionata con il SSN, Clinica del Mediterraneo
Direttore U.O. Accreditata di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale
Penultima esperienza lavorativa
Dal 2000 al 2011
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria S. Maria della Misericordia
Clinica Universitaria – Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale
Ruolo accademico
Dal 2013 al 2020
Università degli Studi di Catania
Professore a Contratto
Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia
Università degli Studi di Catania
Prima Specializzazione
Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale
Università degli Studi di Udine
Seconda specializzazione
Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze e Tecnologie Cliniche
Università degli Studi di Udine
Terza Specializzazione
Fellow to the European Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (UEMS)
2001: Full Registration – G.M.C. (U.K.)
AREAS OF RESEARCH: Reconstructive surgery, Microsurgery, Head & Neck cancer, Orthognathic Surgery, Oral implants, Oral Surgery.
Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (since 2007)
Member of the International Editorial Board of the Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (since 2010)
Member of the Editorial Board of Oral Oncology (since 2012)
Member of the Editorial Board of the Open Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal (since 2008)
Reviewer of the Indian Journal of Dental Research (since 2008)
Member of the Editorial Board of the World Journal of Oral and maxillofacial surgery (since 2018)
- Politi M, Polini F, Toro C, Sembronio S, Robiony M.
I.F. 0.75 Resorbable Plates in Preprosthetic Surgery: Le Fort I osteotomy and interposed bone graft fixation
J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2002;30 (suppl. 1):148
- Politi M, Sembronio S, Toro C, Robiony M.
I.F. 0.75 The Floating Bone Technique of the vertical ramus in hemifacial microsomia
J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2002;30 (suppl. 1):60
- Giannone N, Toro C, Zerman N, Politi M.
Tumore di Warthin bilaterale e sincrono: presentazione di due casi
Proceedings of the XIII Congress of the SICMF; 2003 May 28-31; Vicenza, Italy. Bologna, Italy, Monduzzi Editore, pag. 95-96, 2003
- Toro C, Robiony M, Zerman N, Politi M.
Fissazione bioriassorbibile nella chirurgia del mascellare superiore: esperienza di 5 anni
Proceedings of the XIII Congress of the SICMF; 2003 May 28-31; Vicenza, Italy. Bologna, Italy, Monduzzi Editore, pag. 529-530, 2003
- Robiony M, Costa F, Polini F, Sembronio S, Toro C, Salvo I, Cian R, Politi M.
Osteodistrazione alveolare: Presentazione del nuovo distrattore bidirezionale “F.A.D.”
Vicenza, XIII Congresso SICMF, 28-31/5/2003 (Poster)
- Toro C, Robiony M, Costa F, Zerman N and Politi M.
I.F. 0.991 Aesthetic improvement in middle third of the face during orthognathic procedures: maxillo-malar osteotomy VS simultaneous Le Fort I osteotomy and placement of alloplastic implants.
J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2004;32 (suppl. 1):132
- Robiony M, Toro C, Costa F, Zorzan E, Politi M, Polini F.
Osteotomie nasali in rinoplastica: Presentazione di un metodo alternativo agli scalpelli.
Atti del 53° Congresso Nazionale della SICPRE, Pisa, 16-18/09/2004, Edizioni Caroti Pisa , pag. 172-173
- Toro C, Costa F, Robiony M, Sembronio S, Polini F, Zerman N, Politi M.
I.F. 1.106 Intraoperative awakening of the patient during orthognathic surgery: a method to prevent the condylar sag
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2005;34 (suppl. 1): 36
- Sembronio S, Costa F, Robiony M, Toro C, Polini F, Politi F.
I.F. 1.106 Endoscopic assisted procedures in maxillofacial surgery
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2005;34 (suppl. 1): 21
- Sembronio S, Robiony M, Zerman N, Toro C, Polini F, Politi F.
I.F. 1.106 Arthroscopic lysis, lavage and capsular strech versus arthroplasty and disc repositioning for the treatment of chronic closed lock of the temporomandibular joint
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2005;34 (suppl. 1): 36-37
- Costa F, Robiony M, Toro C, Polini F, Zerman N, Politi M.
I.F. 1.106 Endoscopic surgical treatment of the maxillary sinus disease before sinus graft procedure
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2005;34 (suppl. 1): 49
- Polini F, Toro C, Robiony M, Politi M.
Gli ultrasuoni come alternativa agli scalpelli per le osteotomie nasali in rinoplastica
Proceedings of the XVth Congress of the SICMF; Parma, Italy 9 – 11/6/2005. Bologna, Italy, Monduzzi Editore, pag: 491-493.
- Sembronio S, Toro C, Cian R, Politi M.
L’artroscopia dell’articolazione temporo-mandibolare: diagnosi di stadio e tecniche operative correlate
Minerva Stomatologica 2006;3:161-2.
- Politi M, Toro C, Millesi W, Robiony M.
Advantages and limitations of microvascular flaps in mandibular reconstructions.
Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Oral Cancer, 17/5/2006 Grado, Italy.
Udine, Italy, Ed. Tipografia s.r.l., pag: 48.
- Toro C, Robiony M, Sembronio S, Politi M.
I.F. 2.9 Fibula versus iliac flap in mandibular reconstruction. Results of a prospective study based of functional and aesthetic assessments.
Oral Oncol 2 (1): 106, 2007
- Robiony M, Toro C, Costa F, Sembronio S, Politi M.
I.F. 1.36 Microvascular nasal reconstruction.
J Cranio-Maxillofac Surg 36: suppl. 1: 49, 2008
- Toro C, Robiony M, Costa F, Polini F, Politi M.
I.F. 1.36 Is fibula the fibula the first choice in mandibular reconstruction?
J Cranio-Maxillofac Surg 36: suppl. 1: 63, 2008
- Toro C, Robiony M, Sembronio S, Politi M.
I.F. 1.36 Prefabrication of head & neck subunits: a new concept.
J Cranio-Maxillofac Surg 36: suppl. 1: 64, 2008
- Sembronio S, Toro C, Albiero AM, Politi M.
I.F. 1.36 TMJ laser arthroscopy for posterior disc displacement.
J Cranio-Maxillofac Surg 36: suppl. 1: 166, 2008
- Toro C, Politi M.
Gestione funzionale del seno mascellare.
Atti del XVI Congresso Nazionale SICMF
- Politi M, Toro C, Cian R, Costa F, Robiony M.
I.F. 1.154 The deep sub-fascial approach to the temporo-mandibular joint.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2004;62:1097- 1102
- Robiony M, Toro C, Stucki-McCormick SU, Zerman N, Costa F, Politi M.
I.F. 1.154 The “F.A.D.” (Floating Alveolar Device): A Bidirectional Distraction System for Distraction Osteogenesis of the Alveolar Process
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2004;62(2):136-142
- Politi M, Toro C, Costa F, Zerman N, Robiony M.
Aesthetic improvement in middle third of the face during orthognathic procedures: maxillo-malar osteotomy VS simultaneous Le Fort I osteotomy and placement of alloplastic implants
International Orthodonthics 2005;3:35-56
- Politi M, Toro C, Cian R, Costa F, Robiony M.
I.F. 1.246 Honrner’s sindrome due to a large schwannoma of the cervical sympathetic chain: report of case
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2005;5:707-710
- Politi M, Toro C, Zerman N, Mariuzzi L, Robiony M.
I.F. 2.266 Myoeoithelioma of the patotid gland: Case report and review of literature
Oral Oncology 2005;41:104-108
- Toro C, Robiony M, Zerman N, Politi M.
Resorbable plates in maxillary fixation: a 5-year experience
Minerva Stomatologica 2005;54(4):199-206
- Toro C, Robiony M, Ferro D, Sembronio S, Zerman N, Politi M.
I.F. 2.266 Chondroblastoma of the mandibular condyle: report of an extremely uncommon tumor
Oral Oncology 2005;41:132-138
- Politi M, Toro C, Cian R, Robiony M, Zerman N.
I.F. 2.266 Multifocal Adenomatous Oncocytic Hyperplasia of the parotid gland: Case Report. Oral Oncology 2005;41:183-187
- Toro C, Millesi W, Zerman N, Robiony M, and Politi M.
IF 0.754 A case of aggressive ossifying fibroma with massive involvement of the mandible: differential diagnosis and management options.
Int J Ped Otho Rino Laryngol 2006;1:167-172
- Politi M, Toro C, Costa F, Polini F, Robiony M.
I.F. 1.370 Intraoperative awakening of the patient during orthognathic surgery: a method to prevent the condylar sag.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg .2007;65:108-114
- Costa F, Robiony M, Toro C, Sembronio S, Politi M.
Endoscopically assisted procedure for removal of a foreign body from the maxillary sinus and contemporary endodontic surgical treatment of the tooth.
Head & Face Medicine 2006; 2: 37.
- Politi M, Sembronio S, Robiony M, Costa F, Toro C, Undt G.
I.F. 1.592 High condilectomy and disc repositioning VS arthroscopic lysis, lavage, and capsular strech for the treatment of chronic closed lock of the temporomandibular joint.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2007;103:27-33.
- Toro C, Robiony M, Costa F, Zerman N, and Politi M.
Feasibility of preoperative planning using anatomical facsimile models for mandibular reconstruction.
Head & Face Medicine 2007; 3: 5.
- Polini F, Robiony M, Toro C, Costa F, Politi M.
I.F. 0.834 Penetrating injury of the facial skeleton through the orbit by a massive metallic shotgun block. A case report.
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 45 :586-87, 2007
- Robiony M, Polini F, Costa F, Toro C, Politi M.
I.F. 1.37 Ultrasound piezoelectric vibrations: a new method to perform osteotomies in rhinoplasty. Tecnichal Note.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 65:1035-38, 2007
- Robiony M, Forte M, Toro C, Costa F, and Politi M.
I.F. 0.834 Silicone sandwich technique for securing intraoral skin grafts to the cheek.
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 45:166-67, 2007
- Toro C, Millesi W, Zerman N, Robiony M, and Politi M.
I.F. 1.225 Femoral nerve palsy after mandibular reconstruction with microvascular iliac flap: A complication under anticoagulation therapy.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 36:270-73, 2007
- Sembronio S, Albiero AM, Robiony M, Costa F, Toro C, and Politi M.
I.F. 1.592 Septic Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint successfully treated with arthroscopic lysis and lavage: case report and review of the literature.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 103:1-6, 2007
- Toro C, Robiony M, Sembronio S, Costa F, and Politi M.
I.F. 0.834 Conscious analgesia and sedation during orthognathic surgery: Preliminary results of a method to prevent condylar displacement.
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 45:378-81, 2007
- Costa F, Polini F., Zerman N, Robiony M, Toro C and Politi M.
I.F. 1.592 Surgical treatment of Aspergillus mycetomas of the maxillary sinus: review of the literature.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 103:23-29, 2007
- Politi M, Zerman N, Sembronio S, Toro C, Costa F.
Surgical treatment of chronic maxillary sinusitis of odontogenic origin: a review.
Otorinolaringologia 57:77-90, 2007
- Robiony M, Toro C, Costa F, Polini F, Politi M.
I.F. 0.935 Piezosurgery: a new method for ostetomies in rhinoplasty
J Craniofac Surg 18:1098-100, 2007
- Sembronio S, Albiero AM, Toro C, Robiony M, and Politi M.
I.F. 1.592 Is there a role for arthrocentesis in recapturing the displaced disc in patients with closed lock of the temporomandibular joint?
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.105:274-80, 2008
- Costa F, Polini F, Zerman N, Sembronio S, Toro C, Politi M.
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery for the treatment of Aspergillus mycetomas of the maxillary sinus.
Minerva Stomatol. 57:117-25, 2008
- Politi M, Sembronio S, Polini F, Costa F, Toro C, Robiony M.
Accessi nella chirurgia malformativa del terzo inferiore
It J Maxillofac Surg 2007; 18:81-4,
- Costa F, Robiony M, Salvo I, Toro C, Sembronio S, Politi M.
I.F. 1.241 Simultaneous functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) and aesthetic rhinoplasty in orthognathic patients.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 66:1370-7, 2008
- Costa F, Robiony M, Toro C, Sembronio S, Polini F, Politi M.
I.F. 1.581 Condylar positioning devices for orthognathic surgery: a literature review
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 106:179-90, 2008
- Politi M, Marchetti C, Robiony M, Sembronio S, Toro C.
Peri-operative patient management during reconstruction with microvascular free flaps: results of the 1st Consensus Conference of the Italian Society of Maxillofacial Surgery
It J Maxillofac Surg 19: 25-30, 2008
- Sembronio S, Albiero AM, Toro C, Robiony M, Politi M.
I.F. 0.787 Arthroscopy with open surgery for treatement of synovial chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 46:582-84, 2008
- Robiony M, Zorzan E, Sembronio S, Polini F, Toro C, Politi M.
I.F. 2.756 Osteogenesis distraction and platelet rich plasma for bone restoration of the severely atrophic mandible: long term results.
Clinical Oral Implant Research 19:1202-10, 2008
- Toro C, Robiony M, Cian R, Costa F, Politi M.
I.F. 1.241 The prefabricated temporalis fascio-cutaneous free flap
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 67:683-8, 2009
- Toro C, Rinaldo A, Silver CE, Politi M, Ferlito A.
I.F. 0.603 Paraneoplastic Syndromes in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Auris Nasus Larynx 36:513–20, 2009
- Politi M, Toro C, Tenani G.
A rare cause for cervical pain: the Eagle’s syndrome
International Journal of Dentistry 2009; 1:1-3. doi:10.1155/2009/781297
- Toro C, Rinaldo A, Silver CE, Politi M, Ferlito A.
I.F. 2.928 Paraneoplastic Syndromes in Patients with Oral Cancer
Oral Oncology 2010; 46:14-8.
- Politi M, Toro C.
Iliac flap versus fibula flap in mandibular reconstruction.
J Craniofac Surg. 2012;23(3):774-9.
- Politi M, Toro C, Sbuelz M.
A giant trigeminal schwannoma of the infratemporal fossa removed by transmandibular approach and coronoidectomy. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases, vol. 2; p. 10-13.
- Toro C, Broggi G, Costa P, Vecchio GM, and Magro G.
Ancient schwannoma of the submandibular region: a tumor in the wide spectrum of the cystic lesions of the head and neck. Eur J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2020 ; 4(2):62-5.
- Toro C, Costa P, Vecchio GM, and Magro G.
Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma of the parapharyngeal space: A case report and review of the literature. Oral Maxillofac Surg Case, 2020 in press.
- Toro C, Costa P, Nolfo C.
Heterologous bone block graft VS particulated bone graft: a comparative clinical study, in sinus lift procedures. Eur J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2020;4(3):79-84.
- Palazzo G, Ronsivalle V, Oteri G, Lo Giudice A, Toro C, Campagna P, Patini R, Bocchieri S, Bianchi A, Isola G.
Comparison between Additive and Subtractive CAD-CAM Technique to Produce Orthognathic Surgical Splints: A Personalized Approach. J Pers Med, 2020 Dec 11;10(4):273. doi: 10.3390/jpm10040273.
- Toro C, Broggi G, Costa P, Vecchio GM, and Magro G (2020). Ancient schwannoma of the submandibular region: a tumor in the wide spectrum of the cystic lesions of the head and neck. Eur J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 4(2):62-5
- Toro C, Costa P, Vecchio GM, and Magro G. (2020) Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma of the parapharyngeal space: A case report and review of the literature. Oral Maxillofac Surg Case, vol. 6, 00152
- Toro C, Costa P, Nolfo C. (2020) Heterologous bone block graft VS particulated bone graft: a comparative clinical study, in sinus lift procedures. Eur J Oral Maxillofac Surg;4(3):79-84.
- Palazzo G, Ronsivalle V, Oteri G, Lo Giudice A, Toro C, Campagna P, Patini R, Bocchieri S, Bianchi A, Isola G (2020). Comparison between Additive and Subtractive CAD-CAM Technique to Produce Orthognathic Surgical Splints: A Personalized Approach. J Pers Med, 2020 Dec 11;10(4):273.
- Politi M, TORO C, Sbuelz M. (2016). A giant trigeminal schwannoma of the infratemporal fossa removed by transmandibular approach and coronoidectomy. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases, vol. 2; p. 10-13.
- Politi M, TORO C. (2012). Iliac flap versus fibula flap in mandibular reconstruction. THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 23; p. 774-779, ISSN: 1049-2275, doi: 10.1097/SCS.0b013e31824dbd8a.
- Politi M., TORO C. (2011). Oro-maxillofacial reconstructive microsurgery: a brief historical review. RIVISTA ITALIANA DI CHIRURGIA MAXILLO-FACCIALE, vol. 22; p. 21-26, ISSN: 1120-7558
- TORO C., Rinaldo A, Silver CE, Politi M, Ferlito A. (2010). Paraneoplastic Syndromes in Patients with Oral Cancer. ORAL ONCOLOGY, vol. 46; p. 14-18, ISSN: 1368-8375
- TORO C., Rinaldo A, Silver CE, Politi M, Ferlito A. (2009). Paraneoplastic Syndromes in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Cancer. AURIS, NASUS, LARYNX, vol. 36; p. 513-520, ISSN: 0385-8146
- TORO C., Robiony M, Cian R, Costa F, Politi M. (2009). The prefabricated temporalis fascio-cutaneous free flap. JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 67; p. 683-688, ISSN: 0278-2391
- Politi M, TORO C., Tenani G. (2009). A rare cause for cervical pain: the Eagle’s syndrome. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY, vol. 1; p. 1-3, ISSN: 1687-8728, doi: 10.1155/2009/781297
- TORO C., Politi M. (2008). Gestione funzionale del seno mascellare. In: Atti del XVI Congresso Nazionale SICMF
- Costa F, Polini F, Zerman N, Sembronio S, TORO C., Politi M. (2008). Functional endoscopic sinus surgery for the treatment of Aspergillus mycetomas of the maxillary sinus. MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA, vol. 57; p. 117-125, ISSN: 0026-4970
- Sembronio S, Albiero AM, TORO C., Robiony M, and Politi M. (2008). Is there a role for arthrocentesis in recapturing the displaced disc in patients with closed lock of the temporomandibular joint?. ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY AND ENDODONTICS, vol. 105; p. 274-280, ISSN: 1079-2104
- Sembronio S, TORO C., Albiero AM, Politi M. (2008). TMJ laser arthroscopy for posterior disc displacement. JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 36; p. 166-166, ISSN: 1010-5182
- TORO C., Robiony M, Sembronio S, Politi M. (2008). Prefabrication of head & neck subunits: a new concept. JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 63; p. 64-64, ISSN: 1010-5182
- TORO C., Robiony M, Costa F, Polini F, Politi M. (2008). Is fibula the fibula the first choice in mandibular reconstruction?. JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 36; p. 63-63, ISSN: 1010-5182
- Robiony M, TORO C., Costa F, Sembronio S, Politi M. (2008). Microvascular nasal reconstruction. JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 36; p. 49-49, ISSN: 1010-5182
- Costa F, Robiony M, Salvo I, TORO C., Sembronio S, Politi M. (2008). Simultaneous functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) and aesthetic rhinoplasty in orthognathic patients. JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 66; p. 1370-1377, ISSN: 0278-2391
- Costa F, Robiony M, TORO C., Sembronio S, Polini F, Politi M. (2008). Condylar positioning devices for orthognathic surgery: a literature review . ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY AND ENDODONTICS, vol. 106; p. 179-190, ISSN: 1079-2104
- Politi M, Marchetti C, Robiony M, Sembronio S, TORO C. (2008). Peri-operative patient management during reconstruction with microvascular free flaps: results of the 1st Consensus Conference of the Italian Society of Maxillofacial Surgery. RIVISTA ITALIANA DI CHIRURGIA MAXILLO-FACCIALE, vol. 19; p. 25-30, ISSN: 1120-7558
- Sembronio S, Albiero AM, TORO C., Robiony M, Politi M. (2008). Arthroscopy with open surgery for treatement of synovial chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint. BRITISH JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 46; p. 582-584, ISSN: 0266-4356
- Robiony M, Zorzan E, Sembronio S, Polini F, TORO C., Politi M. (2008). Osteogenesis distraction and platelet rich plasma for bone restoration of the severely atrophic mandible: long term results. CLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH, vol. 19; p. 1202-1210, ISSN: 0905-7161, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2008.01568.x
- ROBIONY M, FORTE M, TORO C., COSTA F, POLITI M (2007). Silicone sandwich technique for securing intraoral skin grafts to the cheek. BRITISH JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 45; p. 166-167, ISSN: 0266-4356
- TORO C., ROBIONY M, SEMBRONIO S, POLITI M (2007). Fibula versus iliac flap in mandibular reconstruction. Results of a prospective study based of functional and aesthetic assessments. ORAL ONCOLOGY. SUPPLEMENT, vol. 2; p. 106-106, ISSN: 1744-7895
- POLITI M, SEMBRONIO S, ROBIONY M, COSTA F, TORO C., UNDT G (2007). Higth condylectomy and disc repositioning compared to arthroscopic lysis, lavage and capsular stretch for the treatment of chronic closed lock of the temporomandibular joint. ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY AND ENDODONTICS, vol. 103; p. 27-33, ISSN: 1079-2104
- SEMBRONIO S, ALBIERO AM, ROBIONY M, COSTA F, TORO C., POLITI M (2007). Septic Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint successfully treated with arthroscopic lysis and lavage: case report and review of the literature. ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY AND ENDODONTICS, vol. 103; p. 1-6, ISSN: 1079-2104
- TORO C., MILLESI W, ZERMAN N, ROBIONY M, POLITI M (2007). Femoral nerve palsy after mandibular reconstruction with microvascular iliac flap: A complication under anticoagulation therapy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 36; p. 270-273, ISSN: 0901-5027
- TORO C. (2007). Patologia dell’articolazione temporo-mandibolare. In: AA VV. Trattato di Patologia Chirurgica Maxillo-Facciale. Torino: Edizioni Minerva Medica
- Polini F, Robiony M, TORO C., Costa F, Politi M (2007). Penetrating injury of the facial skeleton through the orbit by a massive metallic shotgun block. A case report. BRITISH JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 45; p. 586-587, ISSN: 0266-4356
- Politi M, Sembronio S, Polini F, Costa F, TORO C., Robiony M. (2007). Accessi nella chirurgia malformativa del terzo inferiore. RIVISTA ITALIANA DI CHIRURGIA MAXILLO-FACCIALE, vol. 18; p. 81-84, ISSN: 1120-7558
- POLITI M, ZERMAN N, SEMBRONIO S, TORO C., COSTA F (2007). Surgical treatment of chronic maxillary sinusitis of odontogenic origin: a review. OTORINOLARINGOLOGIA, vol. 57; p. 77-90, ISSN: 0392-6621
- COSTA F, POLINI F, ZERMAN N, ROBIONY M, TORO C., POLITI M (2007). Surgical treatment of Aspergillus mycetomas of the maxillary sinus: review of the literature. ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY AND ENDODONTICS, vol. 103; p. 23-29, ISSN: 1079-2104
- ROBIONY M, POLINI F, COSTA F, TORO C., POLITI M (2007). Ultrasound piezoelectric vibrations: a new method to perform osteotomies in rhinoplasty. Tecnichal Note. JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 65; p.1035-1038, ISSN: 0278-2391
- TORO C., ROBIONY M, COSTA F, ZERMAN N, POLITI M (2007). Feasibility of preoperative planning using anatomical facsimile models for mandibular reconstruction. HEAD & FACE MEDICINE, vol. 3; p. 5, ISSN: 1746-160X
- Robiony M, TORO C., Costa F, Polini F, Politi M. (2007). Piezosurgery: a new method for ostetomies in rhinoplasty. THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 18; p. 1098-1100, ISSN: 1049-2275
- POLITI M, TORO C., COSTA F, POLINI F, ROBIONY M (2007). Intraoperative awakening of the patient during orthognathic surgery: a method to prevent the condylar sag. JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 65; p. 109-114, ISSN: 0278-2391
- COSTA F, ROBIONY M, TORO C., SEMBRONIO S, POLITI M (2006). Endoscopically assisted procedure for removal of a foreign body from the maxillary sinus and contemporary endodontic surgical treatment of the tooth. HEAD & FACE MEDICINE, vol. 2; p. 37, ISSN: 1746-160X
- TORO C., MILLESI W, ZERMAN N, ROBIONY M, POLITI M (2006). A case of aggressive ossifying fibroma with massive involvement of the mandible: differential diagnosis and management options. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, vol. 1; p. 167-172, ISSN: 0165-5876
- SEMBRONIO S, TORO C., CIAN R, POLITI M (2006).L’artroscopia dell’articolazione temporo-mandibolare: diagnosi di stadio e tecniche operative correlate. MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA, vol. 55; p. 161, ISSN: 0026-4970
- TORO C., MILLESI W, ROBIONY M, POLITI M (2006). Advantages and limitations of microvascular flaps in mandibular reconstructions. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Oral Cancer. Grado, Italy, 14-17 May 2006, UDINE: Edizioni Tipografia, p. 48-48
- TORO C., ROBIONY M, FERRO D, SEMBRONIO S, ZERMAN N, POLITI M (2005). Chondroblastoma of the mandibular condyle: Case report of an extremely uncommon tumor. ORAL ONCOLOGY EXTRA, vol. 41; p. 132-136, ISSN: 1741-9409
- POLITI M, TORO C., CIAN R, ROBIONY M, ZERMAN N (2005). Multifocal adenomatous oncocytic hyperplasia of the parotid gland: case report. ORAL ONCOLOGY EXTRA, vol. 41; p. 183-187, ISSN: 1741-9409
- POLITI M, TORO C., ZERMAN N, MARIUZZI L, ROBIONY M (2005). Myoepithelioma of the parotid gland: case report and review of the literature. ORAL ONCOLOGY EXTRA, vol. 41; p. 104-108, ISSN: 1741-9409
- POLITI M, TORO C., COSTA F, ZERMAN N, ROBIONY M (2005). Aesthetic improvement in middle third of the face during orthognathic procedures: Maxillo-malar osteotomy vs simultaneous Le Fort I osteotomy and placement of alloplastic implants. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS, vol. 3; p. 35-56, ISSN: 0020-7500
- POLITI M, TORO C., CIAN R, COSTA F, ROBIONY M (2005). Horner’s syndrome due to a large schwannoma of the cervical sympathetic chain: report of case. JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 63; p. 707-710, ISSN: 0278-2391
- TORO C., ROBIONY M, ZERMAN N, POLITI M (2005). Resorbable plates in maxillary fixation. A 5-year experience. MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA, vol. 54; p. 199-206, ISSN: 0026-4970
- SEMBRONIO S, ROBIONY M, ZERMAN N, TORO C., POLINI F, POLITI M (2005). Arthroscopic lysis, lavage and capsular stretch vs arthroplasty and disc repositioning for the treatment of chronic closed lock of the temporomandibular joint. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 34; p. 36-37, ISSN: 0901-5027
- SEMBRONIO S, COSTA F, ROBIONY M, TORO C., POLINI F, POLITI M (2005). Endoscopic assisted procedures in Maxillofacial surgery. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 34; p. 21-21, ISSN: 0901-5027
- COSTA F, ROBIONY M, TORO C., POLINI F, ZERMAN N, POLITI M (2005). Endoscopic surgical treatment of the maxillary sinus disease before sinus graft procedure. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 34; p. 49, ISSN: 0901-5027
- TORO C., COSTA F, ROBIONY M, SEMBRONIO S, POLINI F, ZERMAN N, POLITI M (2005). Intraoperative awakening of the patient during orthognathic surgery: a method to prevent the condylar sag. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 34; p. 36-36, ISSN: 0901-5027
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- ROBIONY M, TORO C., COSTA F, ZORZAN E, POLITI M, POLINI F (2004). Osteotomie nasali in rinoplastica. Presentazione di un nuovo metodo alternativo agli scalpelli. In: Proceedings of the 53° Congress of the Italian Society of Plastic Surgery, BOLOGNA: Carota, p. 53
- POLITI M, TORO C., CIAN R, COSTA F, ROBIONY M (2004). The deep sub fascial approach to the temporomandibular joint. JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 62; p. 1097-1102, ISSN: 0278-2391
- TORO C., STUCKI-MCCORMICK SU, ZERMAN N, COSTA F, POLITI M (2004). The “FAD” (Floating Alveolar Device): a bidirectional distraction system for distraction osteogenesis of the alveolar process. JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 62; p. 136-142, ISSN: 0278-2391
- TORO C., ROBIONY M, ZERMAN N, POLITI M (2003). Fissazione bioriassorbibile nella chirurgia del mascellare superiore: esperienza di 5 anni. In: Atti XIII Congresso SICMF Monduzzi, p. 259-230
- GIANNONE N, TORO C., ZERMAN N, POLITI M (2003). Tumore di warthin bilaterale e sincrono: presentazione di 2 casi. In: Atti XIII Congresso SICMFMonduzzi, p. 95-96
- POLITI M, SEMBRONIO S, TORO C., ROBIONY M (2002). The floating bone technique of the vertical ramus in hemifacial microsomia. JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 30; p. 60, ISSN: 1010-5182
- POLITI M, POLINI F, TORO C., SEMBRONIO S, ROBIONY M (2002). Resorbable plates in preprosthetic surgery: Le Fort I osteotomy and interposed bone graft fixation. JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, vol. 30; p. 148, ISSN: 1010-5182
Toro C, Sembronio S, Robiony M, Politi M
Anatomia dell’ATM
In: SICMF. Trattato di patologia chirurgica Maxillo-Facciale
Ed. Minerva Medica; 2007. pp. 357-360
Toro C, Sembronio S, Robiony M, Politi M
Fisiologia dell’ATM
In: SICMF. Trattato di patologia chirurgica Maxillo-Facciale
Ed. Minerva Medica; 2007. pp. 361-362
Toro C, Sembronio S, Robiony M, Politi M
Semeiotica clinica e strumentale dell’ATM
In: SICMF. Trattato di patologia chirurgica Maxillo-Facciale
Ed. Minerva Medica; 2007. pp. 363-369
Toro C, Sembronio S, Robiony M, Politi M
Disordini cranio-mandibolari
In: SICMF. Trattato di patologia chirurgica Maxillo-Facciale
Ed. Minerva Medica; 2007. pp. 371-377